Clinical expertise
Our clinical expertise drives our wrap-around care.

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At Each, you’ll find qualified clinicians with deep expertise across health, mental health and social support. They bring together specialist knowledge and genuine care. With extensive experience and a wide range of services, Each can provide the right combination of care for your situation.
Our clinical expertise
Our experienced counsellors listen and help you work through problems. They offer support when you’re feeling worried, sad or going through hard times. They help you find ways to cope better and move forward with confidence.
See servicesOur speech therapists help people who have trouble talking or swallowing. They work with children learning to speak and read. They also help adults who have problems with speech after an illness or injury.
See servicesOur social workers help you deal with life's challenges. They can help with family issues, hard times, and finding the right support services. They listen to what you need and help you find ways forward.
See servicesOur registered psychologists use proven approaches to support your mental health. They help you develop skills to manage stress, anxiety, and low mood. They work with children and adults to help build better mental health and wellbeing.
See servicesOur psychiatrists are doctors who help with mental health. They can work out what's wrong and suggest treatments that might help, like medication or therapy. They work closely with other mental health workers to give you the best support.
See servicesOur foot health experts help with foot and leg problems. They treat foot pain, injuries, and nail problems. They also help people with diabetes look after their feet. They work to keep you walking well and prevent future problems.
See servicesOur physiotherapists help you move better and fix injuries. They treat muscle and joint problems using exercise and hands-on therapy. They help you recover from injuries and manage ongoing pain.
See servicesOur occupational therapists help you do everyday activities more easily. They can suggest changes at home or work to make things simpler. They help people of all ages who have injuries, disabilities, or other challenges.
See servicesOur nurses provide many types of healthcare. They do health checks, look after wounds, and help manage ongoing conditions. They work with doctors and other health experts to care for people of all ages.
See servicesOur nurses give vaccines to help prevent illness. We follow the national vaccination schedule for babies, kids, and adults. We can also help with catch-up vaccines and travel shots.
See servicesOur doctors help with general health problems and ongoing conditions. They can refer you to other health experts when needed. They get to know you over time to give the best care for your health.
See servicesOur accredited exercise experts help you move better and get stronger. They create safe personalised exercise plans to help with ongoing conditions like diabetes, heart disease and joint pain.
See servicesOur early childhood team helps young kids who need extra support to grow and learn. We work with families to help children develop and join in everyday activities. Our team includes speech therapists, occupational therapists, and early childhood teachers.
See servicesOur accredited dietitians give expert advice about food and nutrition. They help you make good food choices for your health. They can help with weight, diabetes, food allergies and eating problems, creating meal plans that suit you.
See servicesOur dental team offers complete mouth and teeth care, from regular check-ups to specialised treatment. We provide general dentistry, oral surgery and denture care (prosthodontics). If you have a healthcare card, you may be able to get low-cost dental care.
See servicesOur team helps you to manage ongoing health conditions like diabetes, heart disease and respiratory problems. We show you ways to manage your health and feel better each day.
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