Delivering services with trust and respect

We're here to support you with quality health and support services.

Here's what you can expect when you become an Each customer.

Your rights with Each

You have the right to safe, quality services that respect your needs. You can:

  1. Bring a support person to your sessions – this could be a friend, family member or a person from another service
  2. Ask questions when you need more information
  3. Request a different service or stop services at any time
  4. Choose to stay anonymous
  5. Use an advocate during any complaints
  6. Use an advocate during any complaints

Working together

To help us provide the best possible care:

  • try to arrive on time for appointments
  • let us know if you need to cancel
  • be respectful to staff and other customers
  • share information that helps us understand your needs
  • follow health and safety guidelines.

Our service commitment

When you use our services, we will:

  • respect your culture, identity, beliefs and choices
  • give you clear information in ways that work for you
  • work with you to find services that match your goals
  • provide skilled and qualified staff
  • help you connect with other services if needed.

Your privacy

Your privacy matters. We protect your personal information and only share it with staff who are supporting you. We'll always ask your permission before sharing information with other services.

Share your feedback

Your feedback helps us improve. Contact us to share your feedback or ask a question about your rights and responsibilities. You can also ask someone you trust to provide feedback for you, like a family member, friend or support worker.