Business support

Supporting businesses to serve communities.

An Each staff member standing outside office with hand on railing looking at the camers

We provide expert services to help organisations communicate in a clear, accessible and inclusive way.

Illustration of a person reading surrounded by health icons

About Enliven

Enliven is an award-winning service. The Enliven team are leaders in plain language – a vital component of health literacy work.

Learn more about Enliven 

What we offer

We provide plain language and cultural engagement services through our specialist service, Enliven.

  • Icon of a capital and lower case A in a sqaure

    Plain language consultancy and training 

  • Icon of two small squares with arrows as if they are swapping places

    Converting complex documents into clear, useable and accessible information 

  • Icon of a globe on a stand

    Multicultural community engagement including resource co-design and community consultation

  • Icon of a health document with a list and checkmark

    Health literacy initiatives for diverse communities.