
We maintain high standards to deliver the best possible care and support for our communities. 

Our structure

Each is a company limited by guarantee, which means we put every dollar back into services and programs that benefit you and your community.

We have a constitution which sets the rules for how we operate as a not-for-profit organisation.

Illustration of 6 business people sitting round a meeting table

Our board of directors

The Each Board guides our organisation's direction and makes sure we meet our responsibilities. Each Director brings unique skills and experience to help us support you better. Our directors are responsible for:

  • Making sure we deliver on our promises to you
  • Using funding wisely to provide the services you need
  • Following the rules that keep you safe and protected
  • Staying true to our values and purpose

They receive payment for their important work.

Meet our Board

Board policies and statements

These policies show how we choose skilled board members, what they get paid and how we support their development.

Quality and accreditation

We maintain accreditation with key healthcare and community service standards. This includes:

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    National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards

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    Child Safe Standards

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    Work Health and Safety Regulations

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    QIP Community Organisation Accreditation

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    Aged Care Quality Standards

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    Social Services Standards

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    NDIS Practice Standards

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    National standards in mental health services

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    National quality standard (ACECQA)

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    ISO Standard 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems

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    National Safety and Quality Primary and Community Healthcare Standards

Consumer policies and statements

We also have policies and statements to protect your rights and responsibilities as a consumer.

Reports and publications

We want you to know how we use our resources to support you and your community. Our reports and plans show how we're improving services and planning for the future.