No-interest loan scheme

No-interest loans for essential items

At a glance

  • Adults

    Available to people aged 18+

  • National

    No matter where you live in Australia

  • No or low fee

    Cost depends on your situation

  • At a local centre

    In person at our local centres

Contact us for support

Connect with us to discuss how we can help you.

How we help

When you're on a low income, buying essential items can be challenging. Our no-interest loans help you buy what you need without the worry of interest charges or hidden fees.

You can apply for loans to buy:

  • household appliances
  • furniture
  • car repairs and registration
  • medical and dental care
  • computers and technology
  • education supplies.

These loans have no interest or hidden fees. You'll need to meet our eligibility criteria and show you can make the repayments.

Loans cannot be used for cash, bills, debts or food.

Who is it for?

For adultsanywhere in Australia

This service is for:

  • Adults, aged 18+
  • Anywhere in Australia

How it works

Where to find us

At a local centre

We provide care at convenient locations in your local area. Our centres are designed to help you feel comfortable. They are easy to find and access, with friendly staff ready to support you.

Our locations

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